About Me

WebApp & Cloud Developer
John Doe

Iñigo González

Involved for many years in innovative projects using web technologies for front and back end and now applies the experience gained to the products he makes as a freelance developer.

My Work


  • Operating systems: Windows, Linux and Mac Os X
  • Databases: Oraqle (SQL and PL/SQL), MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MongoDb and Redis
  • Development Languages: Javascript, CoffeScript, TypeScript, Python, Php, Java, Pascal, Visual Basic, .NET,
  • Web Development: HTML5, CSS3
  • Frameworks: Django, Struts, Hibernate, Yii
  • IT System management: Virtualization environments, VPN
  • Mobile development: Android, IOS, Webapps and Phonegap
  • Server Technologies: Node.js, Google App Engine, Apache Tomcat, Apache 2, Jboss
  • Others: Liferay (Service Builder, Portlets, Hooks, Ext, Velocity)
  • Med-E-Tel 2012: Eldercare: How Technology Can Help To Care for Elderly People Who Live Alone
  • TakoJs presentation en el firefox Os meetup
  • Teacher at the Deusto's university Information Security Master Degree (Courses: 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015)
  • Teacher at EITB in M4F's web development course
  • Winner at Bilbao Blackberry Jam Sessions with BikerCitizens project.
  • Winner at Bilbao Firefox OS hackaton with FireTalk project

Get in Touch

I am currently accepting new client projects. I look forward to serving you.

Just send a mail to me.